Sunday, October 11, 2015

Taking back the blue ridge: 05/2016

Cocke farmers co-op, the tower, the  dragon's poopchute, and riding the blue ridge parkway for longer than 10 miles. Can't wait. So we need to find a home base, or multiple stops for the night.


  1. I can't wait. Schools been all consuming for me this semester. Sorry I haven't logged in for a bit. A trip to plan will give me something to look forward to.
    Remember: blueridge gets chilly when the sun goes down.

    1. I hear that. I have a group project that is 1 persons amount of work, that needs to be spread to 5 people and they are wearing me out.

  2. P.S. I want to camp. And do Dragon & dragon's poop chute in reverse direction. Although it was a blast surprising those dudes on the dragon.

    1. Camp? You know we say that every trip. Every trip we end up in a hotel. I'll plan to camp, but bigger for a hotel.

  3. I have a group project that is 5 people amount of work. Our group started as 4. I did 85% of the work so far. 2 dropped cause it was too hard... projects are awesome... I get "real world" experience, but in real world you'd be out of a job.

  4. I highly recommend the Blue Ridge Motorcycle Campground for camping or the Laurel Park Inn for a hotel.

    1. Thanks! We will look into them! All we know for sure is this trip we get the cocke farmers hat from the cocke county co-op
