Saturday, October 13, 2012

Barber Swap

I Half-assed the photos on this trip. Too busy looking for parts and stuff. Didn't find anything I needed. I know that's because I had permission to spend cash and a truck to carry my prize(s) home in. Thank you Murphy.
His left turney didn't work.

I wanted to get this for Jake

Saw this Yamaha, just like the one my dad had when we were kids, almost went halfsies with rick on it, then realized there was a "2" in front of the 900 o.b.o.

didn't ask, but it looks like these have been outside or in the ocean for awhile

it'll buff out

There was a sign next to this asking anyone to contact the owner if they knew the history or what it was. It was built to run at Bonneville. 

I could find it the info on it, but there is no reward. I bet if I did find the info, there would be a picture of this bike breastfeeding a kid.

By the cannonball run booth/trailer

I like it.


  1. I see what looks to be dual quads on the bonnevile bike. Was it small block powered? Judging by the generator instead of an alternator, I'd say mid to late 50's 265-283 maybe?

  2. Scratch that. I blew the pics up. It looks more like two 2 barrels. Too much stuff in the way to see motor, but may even be 2 motors coupled together? Any more pics of it?
