Thursday, May 10, 2012

New ride!

With only 1k miles on it and years of extended warranty left how could i say no? The wife could have, but I'm glad she didn't!

Oh yeah, Abby likes her new recliner too!


  1. I'm glad you got it, just wish you could have bought it in December. I hear it takes months to register a motorcycle. Maybe you can ride it on our next trip.

  2. Yes, there is a such a long line for the SOS that I'm in queueeven sitting at home. Also,it's a bummer I cant ride it until all the chrome add-ons show up.

  3. Rides nice, needs a detailing. somthin do tomorrow.

    1 week and counting.

  4. Detailing? I thought bikes only get washed when riding in rain or when being sold...

  5. It's been stored longer than it's been riden. Needs a protective coat of wax and leather conditioner. Don't worry, I'm not going to be taking tooth picks and q-tips to the cooling fins.
